Fresh white oriental lilies and carnations are mixed with rich greens such as salal and oregonia in a natural basket.
Teleflora peaceful white lilies basket bouquet.
Peaceful white lilies basket flowers as peaceful and beautiful as a starry night this pure white funeral bouquet is a touching way to remember a truly special person.
Send this classic arrangement to comfort the newly bereaved at the funeral.
Teleflora sympathy flowers teleflora s peaceful white lilies sy15ta.
Send this classic arrangement to comfort the newly bereaved at the funeral.
Fresh white oriental lilies and carnations are mixed with rich greens such as salal and oregonia in a natural basket.
Save 25 on all teleflora bouquets your offer will be automatically applied at the checkout.
Gorgeous flowers such as white lilies carnations and miniature carnations mix with vibrant greens in a large basket.
White blooms are arranged in a natural wicker basket with assorted greenery in a traditional sympathy design.
Approximately 26 w x 25 h.
Send this classic a.
Same day delivery across canada.
As peaceful and beautiful as a starry night this pure white funeral bouquet is a touching way to remember a truly special person.
Peaceful white lilies basket flowers as peaceful and beautiful as a starry night this pure white funeral bouquet is a touching way to remember a truly special person.
Approximately 26 w x 25 h.
Send this classic a.
This item is hand arranged and delivered by a teleflora florist.
We are canada flowers canada s national florist.